How to Boost Your Family's Immune System Health
How to Prevent Getting Sick Naturally
Our immune systems encounter more pathogens on a daily basis than we can count, and a healthy immune system will be able to identify friend from foe quickly, and mount the appropriate response. But there are some aspects of modern life that depress our immune function, and that allows invading bacteria and viruses past our defense systems.
For example, when the demands on our life surpass the ability to cope–whether physically, socially, or emotionally–we experience a stress response. In short spurts, the stress hormone cortisol can actually support immune function, but over time our bodies need supplements to support immune.Click here to read more.
Sleep is very important also .Many parents know that sleep is very useful for our health and immune defence. More experience shows that a good night’s sleep boosts our immune system. So benefit from the shorter days to get yourself and your kids to bed early.Click here to read more
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